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Prisijungti Sukurti paskyrą
Užsiregistruokite dabar ir gaukite papildomų naudų:
  • Asmeninės kainos
  • Pristatymo sekimas
  • Iš anksto užpildyta ir greitas atsiskaitymas
  • Užsakymų istorija ir greitas pakartotinis užsakymas
  • Tiksli prekės atsargų būklė

Practical Guide - How to Clean Pipettes?

Daily cleaning of pipettes

Cleaning the outer surface of the pipette

1. Remove the Safe-Cone filter from the pipette.
2. Gently clean the surface of the pipette with a moistened cloth using a disinfectant liquid for example 70 % ethanol, or mild detergent, and a soft, lint-free cloth. Pay special attention to cleaning the tip cone.
3. After cleaning, allow ethanol to dry, or remove detergent from the pipette thoroughly with a moistened cloth using pure (Type 3) water or distilled water, then wipe it dry.
4. Insert the new Safe-Cone filter onto the pipette.

Cleaning & decontamination

Cleaning the lower part of the pipette

Pipettes cleaning and deconyamination

Set the cleaning and decontamination interval according to the application. The recommendation is to clean every 3 months.

1. Check the cleaning or decontamination protocol and chemical compatibility of the selected cleaning solution for your pipette in the pipette user manual.

2. Wearing gloves, disassemble the pipette lower parts. As a matter of routine, inspect the parts for wear and tear. Replace the broken and worn parts with new ones or send the pipette to a service provider.

3. Thoroughly clean the lower parts of the pipette with the selected cleaning agent, and wipe the outer parts of the pipette handle. Don’t use tools to clean as that might scratch the surface of the lower parts.

4. After cleaning, remove residual detergent, bleach, or radioactivity cleaning agents from the pipette thoroughly with pure (Type 3) water or distilled water. Wipe the pipette dry or allow it to dry.

5. Re-grease the pipette. Use only the grease recommended by the pipette manufacturer. Check the performance of the pipette gravimetrically or with a balance.

6. Pipette maintenance and performance test can be outsourced from NOVA engineers.


1. Remove the Safe-Cone filter if attached. Clean the pipette with ethanol and allow it to dry.

2. Check the autoclaving protocol in the pipette user manual to determine if the pipette is fully autoclavable, or if only specific parts must be disassembled and autoclaved.

3. Put the pipette or autoclavable pipette parts into the sterilization bag, and place the bag into the autoclave.

4. Sterilize at 121 °C and 1 bar overpressure for 20 minutes. (252 °F, 1 atm).

5. After autoclaving, cool down and dry the pipette before reassembly. Drying can be done overnight at room temperature or at 60 °C for 3 hours.

6. Insert the new Safe-Cone filter onto the pipette.

7. Reassemble the pipette, or check if the lower parts have become loose during autoclaving, and tighten them if necessary.

8. It is recommended to check the performance of the pipette after every autoclaving. It is also recommended to grease the piston or seal of the pipette after every 10 autoclaves.

Download the pipettes cleaning manual here.

CAMPAIGN OFFER: Sartorius pipette sets are on SALE!

TACTA 4-PACK 20. LH-729672 includes:

  • 0.5 – 10 µL , 2-20 µL, 20 – 200 µL and 100 - 1000 µL Tacta® mechanical pipettes, 1-channel, 0.1-10 µL, 0.5-200 µL and 10-1000 µL Optifit Tips, Single Tray, Linear stand.

TACTA 4-PACK 100. LH-729673 includes:

  • 0.5 – 10 µL , 10 – 100 µL, 20 – 200 µL and 100 - 1000 µL Tacta® mechanical pipettes, 1-channel, 0.1-10 µL, 0.5-200 µL and 10-1000 µL Optifit Tips, Single Tray, Linear stand.

NOW AVAILABLE WITH A SPECIAL PRICE 608 € + KM (regular price 1120 € + KM)

Find a broad selection of pipettes online!

Mechanical pipettes | Electronic pipettes | Pipette controllers | Bottle Top Dispensers

If you have any questions, ask our product managers and/or request training.

Margot Kebbinau
+372 505 4230



Nova Natura UAB

Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania
Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5656 0050

Reg No 14758203


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