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Prisijungti Sukurti paskyrą
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  • Asmeninės kainos
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  • Iš anksto užpildyta ir greitas atsiskaitymas
  • Užsakymų istorija ir greitas pakartotinis užsakymas
  • Tiksli prekės atsargų būklė

3D Cell Culture

Create in vivo-like functionality with optimized 3D cell culture models

Why is 3D better?

Emerging evidence strongly suggests that 3D cell cultures that establish physiological cell-cell and cell-ECM interactions can mimic the specificity of native tissue, especially in applications such as stem cell culture, cancer research, drug and toxicity screening, and tissue engineering.

When comparing cells in 2D and 3D cultures, one of the primary differences is the dissimilarity of the cell morphology. Because cells adapt to shapes based on the orientation of integrin-mediated adhesions to the ECM, 2D culture attachment occurs on one side of the cell. In contrast, 3D culture attachment occurs around the entire surface of the cell. As a result, cell spreading and attachment takes longer in 3D culture models—in some instances, over the course of several days—which can directly impact cell proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. Some cell types can even regain their physiological form and function when cultured in a 3D environment.

Cellular functionality is also impacted by this adjusted morphology, and cells more closely resemble the properties observed in vivo when cultured in a 3D environment. As a result, 3D cell culture models can essentially mimic in vivo environments and allow the growth and differentiation of cells that exhibit in vivo-like behaviors and functionality.

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Getting started

Corning products can help you break through the barriers to creating more in vivo-like environments and predictive models. Quickly and efficiently.

If you're interested in 3D cell cultures then feel free to contact us. Our product manager is happy to help finding the best solutions to set up the experiments. If you're looking for more information about the products then newest additions to Corning 3D Cell culture portfolio include: Spheroid Microplates, Matrigel Matrix-3D Plates, Elplasia® Plates and 3D Clear Tissue Clearing Reagent.

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Nova Natura UAB

Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania
Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5656 0050

Reg No 14758203


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