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Spatial Multiomics Grant Award - CODEX (Deadline 22nd November 2021)

Akoya Biosciences is inviting genomic researchers interested in applying the power of multiomics to deepen their understanding of tissue biology using the CODEX® instrument.

To win the Spatial Multiomics Grant award, applicants must propose how leveraging CODEX technology with single-cell sequencing can generate multi-modal insights for their tissue and broader research area.

In recent years many sequencing platforms have enabled the analysis of single cell transcriptomic signatures in tissue. Technologies like single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) and CITE-seq are powerful, but limited by the inability to offer a true spatial multiomics approach in tissue. Spatial phenotyping via the CODEX instrument, allows quantification of 25+ proteins across intact whole tissue sections to elucidate localization and protein expression patterns in the context of the tissue microenvironment. Apply for the Spatial Multiomics Grant to combine sequencing data and protein analysis within a spatial context.

Apply Now for the CODEX Spatial Multiomics Grant Program
For the grant recipient, Akoya's team of scientists and bioinformaticians will help to generate a robust spatial phenotyping data set for 4 human or murine tissue samples that will help to elucidate a more comprehensive biological picture of the tissue and model under investigation.

Please select from one of the available antibody panels below that have been validated for use on the CODEX instrument with human FFPE tissue or mouse fresh frozen tissue.

Submissions to this grant program will close on 22nd November 2021. To apply, complete the registration form with a 300-word abstract describing how obtaining a spatial perspective of your tissue samples at single-cell resolution can support your research project. All the applications will be reviewed by Akoya’s scientific panel to select a grant winner. Selection criteria include, but are not limited to, scientific impact, novelty, feasibility, and the applicability of spatial phenotyping via CODEX to your research.

The grant program is subject to the Spatial Multiomics Grant Program – CODEX Terms and Conditions which contain eligibility restrictions. No purchase is necessary to enter; void where prohibited.

Related Educational Resources

Explore the educational resources on the topic of spatial multiomics using CODEX. Below is an infographic, a blog post, and the recently aired Spatial Multiomics Webinar Series, covering topics of single cell omics and imaging data, transcriptomics-guided analysis of multiplexed imaging, and CITE-seq analysis mapped to spatial proteomic data.

Multiomics webinar series
Multiomics blog
Multiomics infographic



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