Sukurti naują paskyrą

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  • Asmeninės kainos
  • Pristatymo sekimas
  • Iš anksto užpildyta ir greitas atsiskaitymas
  • Užsakymų istorija ir greitas pakartotinis užsakymas
  • Tiksli prekės atsargų būklė

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0,00 €

Iš viso: 0,00 €

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Prisijungti Sukurti paskyrą
Užsiregistruokite dabar ir gaukite papildomų naudų:
  • Asmeninės kainos
  • Pristatymo sekimas
  • Iš anksto užpildyta ir greitas atsiskaitymas
  • Užsakymų istorija ir greitas pakartotinis užsakymas
  • Tiksli prekės atsargų būklė

Greitas pristatymas

SKU 790011F

SafetySpace™ Filter Tips leave more space between the sample and the filter than conventional filter tips. This allows pipetting any type of liquid or using any pipetting technique without the risk of the precious sample absorbing into the filter. In effect, this secures 100% sample recovery and thus greater accuracy.

The safety space feature is particularly useful in:

· pipetting foaming liquids such as buffers and proteins

· pipetting solvents

· multiple dispensing functions of electronic pipettes reverse pipetting any other application requiring extra space in the tip

The tips are made of virgin polypropylene and the filter of polyethylene without 'self-sealing' additives to avoid any interference with the sample and the results. The filter barrier helps protect against cross-contamination of the sample and/or the pipette and reduces the need for pipette maintenance. The filter tips are available in multiple volumes from 10 µl to 1200 µl and are packed in colour coded single tray racks. They are DNase, RNase and endotoxin free certified and pre-sterilised.

Filter tips are not recommended to be used simultaneously with Safe-Cone Filters.



Neseniai peržiūrėta


Nova Natura UAB

Kaštonų g. 56, Giraitės k, LT-54310,
Kaunas, Lithuania
Phone: +370 (620) 70159

Reg No 305063819

Nova Natura OÜ

Valukoja 8, 11415,
Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5656 0050

Reg No 14758203


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ISO9001 1 e1593687280362