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SKU 6016731

ATP is a marker for cell viability due to its presence in all metabolically active cells. ATP concentration declines rapidly when cells undergo necrosis or apoptosis, and so monitoring ATP is a good indicator of cytotoxic, cytostatic and proliferation effects. Revvity ATPlite 1step ATP luminescence assays use patented technologies to measure cell proliferation and cytotoxicity in mammalian cells based on the production of light caused by the reaction of ATP with added luciferase and D-luciferin.

Features and benefits:
Simple and reproducible: only one reagent addition step, no separation steps
Suitable for both 96- and 384-well microplates
Linear correlation between cell number and luminescent signal: up to 50,000 cells per well for 96-well microplates and 12,500 cells per well for 384-well microplates
Designed for continuous process systems: luminescence should be measured between 0 and 30 minutes after reagent addition and plate shaking
Homogeneous: no cell harvesting or centrifugation




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